Well now that you bring it up, you know something that's always bothered me about the 144,000 teaching? How come women are allowed to be included in this anointed class, but are not allowed any position of authority in the congregation? Or for that matter, are not allowed to give talks; I mean real talks, not those demonstration talks. Most sisters I knew of in our hall would have made far better elders than the bunch of spares we had. So according to the GB, God's thinking is this: women are good for bearing babies, cleaning the house and judging billions of people's entry into paradise; but they cannot teach from the platform, or hold positions of responsibility. Why? If a woman is good enough to be included in the 144,000 and judge all of humanity, then why is she not good enough to sit on a Judicial Committee and judge an adulterer?
Sorry for taking this off on a tangent a bit, but this has always kind of bugged me. I've always believed God to be, if nothing else, logical and where's the logic in this teaching? Riddle me that Batman!